Meet Our CEO, Dr. Angela Glymph

Angela Glymph
Q&A with CEO Dr. Angela Glymph

Q&A with CEO Dr. Angela Glymph

  1. Describe yourself in 10 words or less.

I would describe myself as a self-actualized quiet thunder.

  1. What was the moment you decided to do youth impact work, and why did you make that decision?

About 10 years ago, while I was living in my condo in Southeast Washington, DC, a teenager was living on the roof of our building.  He was kicked out of his home by his mother because he disclosed to her that her partner was sexually abusing his younger sister.  My neighbors and I were able to get him connected to safe family and services.  That day left a profound impact on me and motivated me to do youth impact work. Three weeks later, I found PHE (or PHE found me)!

  1. What’s important to you in life?

My family, health, and well-being are most important to me.

  1. What’s on your recommended reading list?
  • Daring Greatly, Brene Brown
  • Finding Me: A Memoir: Viola Davis
  • The Vanishing Half, Brit Bennett
  • Between the World and Me, Ta-nehisi Coates
  • For people with young kids:  Any book by Megan Madison

  1. What is your vision for the future of young people?  

My vision for all young people is that they will be able to thrive, be safe, be healthy, and be affirmed, no matter who they are, or where they live.  

  1. What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time I love spending time in my flower garden, read books and I am currently training for a half marathon (Sept. 9 is the big day)

  1. Do you have any personal or professional heroes?

My grandparents are my personal heroes. None of them had the opportunity to complete high school yet they made sure that generations after them valued education.  Among my grandparents were entrepreneurs, community activists, a master seamstress, and a talented musician.  Their lives were examples to me of the importance of dreaming big, taking risks, and being fearless.  

- bio-

Dr. Angela Glymph (she/hers) was selected as the CEO of Peer Health Exchange in 2023. She joined Peer Health Exchange (PHE)in 2014 and for the past 9 years, Dr. Glymph has led the organization through significant programmatic transformations. She has 15 years of experience and expertise developing and managing health and educational equity programs, as well as evaluating health and educational outcomes of such programs. She has content knowledge and expertise in positive youth development, health equity, social and emotional learning, adolescent sexual and mental health, and social psychology. Dr. Glymph is a published author of textbooks, book chapters, and empirical research articles, and frequently asked to make presentations and sit on professional panels in the public health and health education conferences.