Why Peer Health Exchange?

Manpreet Kaur
Peer Health Exchange (PHE) has been a transformative force in my life, shaping my journey in ways I never anticipated. The impact of being part of this remarkable organization has been profound, especially in my role as a community youth advocate. Through PHE, I have not only gained valuable knowledge about health education but also cultivated vital life skills. 

Peer Health Exchange (PHE) has been a transformative force in my life, shaping my journey in ways I never anticipated. The impact of being part of this remarkable organization has been profound, especially in my role as a community youth advocate. Through PHE, I have not only gained valuable knowledge about health education but also cultivated vital life skills. 

Before I became involved with Peer Health Exchange, I was a curious and determined individual, eager to make a positive impact on my community. Growing up in a tight-knit neighborhood, I witnessed firsthand the various health challenges that young people faced, from limited access to reliable information to barriers in navigating the healthcare system. This environment ignited my passion for health advocacy and fueled my desire to contribute meaningfully. Before my involvement with Peer Health Exchange, I was already someone who believed in the power of knowledge and its ability to empower individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. Yet, it was through my experiences with PHE that I gained a deeper understanding of the challenges young people face in accessing accurate and reliable health information. The conversations and interactions I had with my peers opened my eyes to the gaps in knowledge that many faced and ignited a fire within me to bridge those divides.

Discovering PHE was akin to finding a missing puzzle piece in my high school years. Before I discovered PHE, my high school experience was marked by a deep yearning for a more profound sense of purpose. While I was diligent in my studies and involved in various extracurricular activities, I felt like there was something missing, a way to channel my energy and passion into something truly meaningful. PHE became that vital piece of the puzzle, offering me the platform I needed to not only connect with my community but also to effect positive change in the lives of young individuals, ultimately shaping the trajectory of my high school years in an unexpected and rewarding way. It was a classmate who first introduced me to this organization, recognizing my passion for community service and my desire to make a meaningful impact on the lives of young people. Little did I know that this introduction would set me on a path of growth, learning, and fulfillment.

One of the most significant lessons I've gleaned from my involvement in PHE is the power of addressing mental health at the grassroots level. Engaging in activities and group work centered around mental health, I witnessed firsthand the profound impact it had on the lives of young individuals. It became evident that it wasn't just about providing information; it was about creating a space for open dialogue, destigmatizing mental health, and empowering them to make informed choices about their well-being. Through PHE, we were not only educating, but also equipping young minds with the tools to take control of their mental health and ultimately, to shape their own futures.

Moreover, PHE has been a crucible for developing crucial leadership and teamwork skills. As a community youth advocate, I've learned how to effectively communicate complex health topics, tailoring my approach to suit the diverse needs of the audience.   One notable collaboration within PHE revolved around a concerted effort to educate teenagers on mental health. Partnering with several community agencies specializing in mental health awareness, we orchestrated a series of workshops and interactive sessions specifically tailored to address the various facets of adolescent mental well-being. Each agency brought its unique expertise, whether it was providing coping strategies, offering resources for seeking help, or fostering a safe space for open discussions..This has honed my ability to adapt and connect with people from various backgrounds, an invaluable skill that extends far beyond the realm of health education. Collaboration within PHE has further sharpened my teamwork abilities. Working closely with fellow advocates, I've come to appreciate the beauty of collective effort in achieving a common goal. Together, we brainstorm innovative ways to engage and educate, pooling our strengths to create a more impactful program.

Being part of PHE has enriched my life in countless ways. It has shown me the profound influence that a dedicated group of individuals can have on a community. Through this experience, I've not only deepened my understanding of health education but also grown as a leader and a team player. PHE has shown me the tangible impact of effective leadership and teamwork. From coordinating workshops to collaborating with fellow advocates, I've learned how to navigate diverse perspectives and leverage collective strengths. These skills, honed through my involvement with PHE, are not only integral to my current role but will undoubtedly serve as a cornerstone for my future endeavors in the field of public health.  PHE has not only been a part of my high school years; it has become an integral part of who I am, shaping my aspirations and instilling in me a profound sense of purpose.

Illustration by Manpreet Kaur